A life lived with self-abandonment is a heavy life.

Self-abandonment habits distract us from what matters, distance us from our soul, and feed fear. They drain our energy and move us further away from a life we love.

In order to bring liberation and lightness into your life, choose to honor yourself by avoiding these ten habits.

1.     Saying yes when you want to say no
2.     Engaging in unnecessary drama
3.     Breaking promises to yourself
4.     Settling for less than what you desire
5.     Saying mean things to yourself
6.     Saying mean things about others
7.     Comprising when you want to stay the course
8.     Making choices that feel heavy and burdensome
9.     Letting fear make the call
10.  Numbing out with an addiction {wine, sex, drugs, television, shopping}

A few acts of self-abandonment may not seem like a big deal, but small acts add up to big patterns. Soon we start to loose ourself and self-abandonment dominates life.

When you choose to honor yourself and stay connected to the truth of who you are, you develop a way of living that creates space for self-love and self-respect. And, when you give yourself love and respect you are more easily able to give it to others and receive it from others.

When you choose to honor the desire of your true self you’re choosing …

… more love and less fear
… more ease and less stress
… more lightness and less heaviness
… more compassion and less judgment

In every moment you get to decide whether you will honor your soul or abandon yourself.

Choose your soul.


Stefan Makwana captured the moment.