In relationship self-love is a priority and a necessity. After all, it’s pretty hard to give what you don’t have.

Self-love comes first.
Loving them deeply comes next.

When relationships get rocky, we become susceptible to being laser focused on what we’re not getting and what they are not giving us.

In these moments it’s easy to slip into demanding more …

More love.
More support.
More compassion.
More understanding.
More communication.

You consciously choose to love deeply when you look at what you can give.

How can you give more?

More love.
More support.
More compassion.
More understanding.
More communication.

Here are thirteen questions to guide you into loving deeply.

  1. How can I lift my partner up?
  2. How can I give my love fully?
  3. How can I give my love freely?
  4. How can I respect my partner?
  5. How can I be patient with my partner?
  6. How can I be present with my partner?
  7. How can I speak my partner’s love language?
  8. How can I share my love, instead of barter it?
  9. What does my partner most need and how can I give it?
  10. What’s the most romantic thing I can do for my partner?
  11. What’s the most I can give my partner without sacrificing myself?
  12. How can I let my partner know I care about what matters to them?
  13. How can I be responsible for adding more love into our relationship?

Loving purely and deeply can transform your relationship.

Give what you want to get.


Stefan Makwana captured the love.