My 33rd year has passed and over 643 birthday blessings flew in from around the world – snail mail, voice notes, social posts.
No note went unread.
Your love went straight to my heart. Thank you.
As per my newish tradition, here are …
… 33 lines to wrap up my 33rd year.
I am a better everything {mother, friend, therapist, mentor, me}
when I start my day with movement and writing.
It’s possible to write a book in three months.
It’s possible to write, crowd-fund, edit, design and publish a book in six months,
but timelines don’t always obey intentions.
When you’re in a good place, leave your mark.
Reveal the truth, let love light the way.
The risk is worth it.
Travel still makes my heart happy.
But, not just any kind of travel – mindful adventure {!!!} is where it’s at for me now.
If you sip San Pedro with young Shamanic apprentices
and then sit in a hot mineral bath with a thousand rose petals for hours,
you might throw up.
But it will be okay,
because transformation doesn’t always feel the way you think it will feel.
I didn’t get what I wanted
but, I got what I needed.
One can never have too many Precious Malas.
Life is way better with my sister and my Angel Twinsie
and my soul sisters {thankfully, there are too many to link to} .
A little compartmentalization goes a long way.
Loving freely, wildly, and deeply can make life complex and painful,
but it’s better than the alternative.
Give when it feels good,
stop giving when it stops feeling good
and find another feel-good way to give.
Some things never change,
like my appreciation of organic super-food dark chocolate.
Some things do change
like hearts
and lives.
Thank goodness, because change is a sign of life.
And, I want to be alive.
You can read 32 lines for my 32nd year right over here.
Stefan Makwana captured the reflection.