As part of designing My Great Life I choose a word at the beginning of the year to guide me through the year. A word to anchor me to what matters.
It felt like a mighty word to step into. And, it has been.
The reign of Sovereignty has helped me to speak my truth, refine my relationships, and create nourishing rituals.
It meant following my heart, even if it took me away from what my head wanted.
It meant updating my relationship with integrity so I could change agreements that needed to change.
It meant being painfully honest with myself, especially when I wanted to avoid the truth of how I really felt.
It meant sorting through who I was, who I am, who I will be. It meant discarding what was comfortable if it was no longer real.
It meant being in service of my soul above all else.
Here are 33 ways I’ve been living my Great Life this year.
- Put my phone on silent and left it that way {99% of the time}.
- Said yes to jet skiing up a remote Hawaiian coast with a random person who picked me up on the highway.
- Prioritized my orgasms.
- Drank a hot blend of apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and cinnamon. Good morning cells!
- Rose incense and beeswax candles for my office. Sacred space needs to be … sacred.
- Let because I want to be a good enough reason.
- Let because I don’t want to be a good enough reason.
- Was initiated by the dark and rode it into the light.
- Decided to self-publish – instead of waiting for a publisher to give me a green light, I gave it to myself.
- Crossfit. It hurt. I stayed with it. And then, it hurt less.
- Decided to parent my sons like the sovereign souls they are.
- Traveled alone. Often.
- Took myself out on dates. Often.
- More tears. More giggles.
- More anger. More joy.
- Got a big offer to live a dream … and said no.
- Expanded my team of healers.
- Redefined my relationship to vegetarianism {instead of asking what’s the vegetarian option? I ask myself what’s the most loving thing I can eat for myself, others and the planet?}. Most of the time, vegan is the way. But, not always.
- Listened more deeply. Shared more vulnerably.
- Started the day off with the Romantic Singer-Songwriter playlist on Songza. Good morning, Love.
- Learned about the Hawaiian hard wax option.
- Slept like a princess.
- Watched it break, felt the ache, let it open my heart even more.
- Green smoothies. Everyday {almost}.
- Stopped taking responsibility for stuff I’m not responsible for.
- Decided honoring my team was more important than nailing the deadline.
- Helped 415 Ethiopians access clean water.
- Disregarded the questionable logic of driving to the mountains on a whim and drove. Frequently.
- Accepted generosity without caution.
- Read frivolously.
- Chased rainbows.
- Helped my sister buy a puppy after a two-minute conversation.
- Ate courage and ordered more.
Your soul knows the way to the liberation you desire.
Let it reign.
Serve love.
Stefan Makwana captured the happiness.