Release the old and make room for the new.
Create space.

I spent the first few days of the New Year peeling papers off my office walls.

Sticky notes with bits of wisdom scratched down.
Pieces of lavender paper filled with thoughts.
Advice to myself I never wanted to forget.

It was uncomfortable.

Fear whispered, what if you forget this? What if you never come up with something this clever again? You need this wisdom for 2014, don’t take it down.

These love notes were flashes of insight that guided me through 2013 and they served their purpose. Now, it’s time to create space, to make room for new insights, and to trust they will come when the time is right.

Here are five pieces of wisdom that guided me through 2013

How you live

How you live is how you lead.

{really, it’s all about love}



Show me how
Show me how I can …
expand time
get it all done
Give me the …
energy to do it all
inspiration to be remarkable

{really, it’s all about surrender}

Be Ready, Be of Service
Somewhere, right now there is a future student of yours traveling their path. They will arrive at the place you are now at the same time you arrived ready to guide them. How do you need to live so as to be of service to them when they arrive? What will you tell them when they get here?

{really, it’s all about truth}


Clean and Bright

Better keep yourself clean & bright; you are the window through which you must see the world.

{really, it’s all about balance}



Don't sacrifice what matters
Don’t make moves that offend your heart and soul or that sacrifice what deeply matters.

{really, it’s all about authenticity}


What wisdom guided you through 2013? And, how can you make space for what want to come in 2014?

Photo credit : Gregory Wake