Fear has a way of sounding like truth.

It snakes into the mind and whispers stories of protection, safety, predictability, and familiarity.

Fear establishes our upper limits and and traps us in psychological prisons.

We all have upper limits to how much love, happiness, and success we can handle. When we are close to our upper limit fear flares up, cautions us away from the unfamiliar and sabotages our success.

You’ve always wanted to be loved fully, completely, and purely. But, when a love like that comes in and bumps up against your upper limit fear causes you to shut down, close up, pick a fight, or end it.

You’ve always wanted to be bathed in joy, but when you find yourself swimming in it, fear ushers in drama, distraction, or addiction.

You’ve always wanted success {as you define it to be} but once you’ve achieved it fear tells you it’s not enough, you don’t deserve it or it’s not real.

Fear wants you to avoid rising into the unknown. It believes pain waits in those unfamiliar places and it wants to protect you.

If the love is too deep, the joy is too intense, the money is too abundant fear will tell you it’s too good to be true and something will happen to bring you down a level that feels safe and comfortable.

Conflict ensues.
Accidents happen.
Investments tank.
Health diminishes.
Relationships end.
Opportunities slip away.
Addiction {sex, drugs, wine, shopping, food} takes over.

Fear will remind you of your past failures, heartbreaks, hurts, betrayals, and disappointments. It will coax you away from what you most want.

In order to design a life you love, the imprisoning limiting beliefs, confining upper limits, toxic old thoughts, and stale emotional spirals need to be processed.

You’ll have to trust that fear is not truth and, come what may, the life you love is worth the risk of adventuring into the unknown.

Let the voice of love be louder than the voice of fear.

Expand your capacity for what you want – love, joy, health, wealth, happiness, connection, intimacy.

Rise into it.

And, once you arrive, give yourself space to settle into your new reality.

Unplug. Reschedule. Relax. Unwind. Breathe. Stretch. Practice gratitude. Stay conscious.

And … trust.

You are worthy of what you want.


Photo credit: Stefan Makwana captured the mood.