Even if your life looks the way you want it to look, you may not feel the way you want to feel.

You might begin to wonder …

Why did I accumulate all this stuff?
Why did I say yes to the promotion?
Why did I want the roles I wanted?
Why don’t I feel fulfilled?
No matter what kind of amazing, abundant, awesome life you create for yourself if you do not explore your inner world and create a relationship with yourself that is based on love you will feel like something is missing.

If you said mean things to yourself before you got the promotion, you will say mean things to yourself after you get the promotion.

If you felt unlovable before you met the person of your dreams, you will feel unlovable after you marry the person of your dreams.

If you felt there was never enough before you won the lottery, you will feel there is never enough after you win the lottery.

Living a life you love is not about having a million dollars in the bank, a loving spouse, the car of your dreams, a corner office, a full passport, a perfect body, or a spot on the New York Times Bestsellers List.

You can be surrounded by everything you thought you wanted and still feel miserable and discontent.

Living a life you love is not guaranteed by the outer world you attain, it’s guaranteed by the inner world you nurture.

You won’t feel fulfilled in your dream job if you don’t cultivate an internal sense of fulfillment.

Being loved by another will not fill the empty feeling in your heart if you do not love yourself or know how to receive love from others.

You will not feel a sense of self-worth when you land the six-figure job if you feel inherently unworthy.

I’ve worked with many people who move from thing to thing to thing searching for the life they love.

Striving for more is not the answer.

If you are surrounded by everything you thought you needed in order to love your life and you still feel discontent, empty, or unfulfilled then it’s time to go within.


Photo credit: Stefan Makwana captured the peace.