My birthday month is over {yes, I celebrate for a month}.
It was wild and wonderful.
Soft and hard.
April was jolting for many people {my cosmic friends inform me, five planets in retrograde will do that}.
Whether it’s the planets rocking the world, or the nature of life, when we intentionally celebrate life we make living whole lot sweeter.
I often say, I want to live in a world where life is celebrated and love is spread far and wide.
I hope this tiny list of celebrations will make both a little easier.
- Ask, how can I celebrate myself today? pull a tarot card and let the image guide you
- Let go of what wants to go.
- Honor the light and the dark
- Celebrate the people you love and let it boomerang back to you
- Wake up for the sunrise
- Stay up for the moonrise
- Collect natural treasures and cherish them
- Wrap your hands around a warm mug
- Indulge and savour your favourite cake
- Pop love in the mail
- Nap in sunbeams
- Start your day with a super-food elixir
- Make it your mission to find awe
- Savour the sacred
- Listen to the call of your soul
- Spread love through art
- Surround yourself with reminders
- Burn what doesn’t belong
- Believe in them
- Receive love gracefully
- Be real about the hard times
- Practice gratitude
- Love the paradox
- Hug
- Throw a party and invite everyone
- Support a cause you believe in
- Pick a word to remind you of what matters
- Support other people’s dreams
- Ride the extremes
- Go for growth
The more we celebrate life, the more there is to celebrate.