Once upon a time…
I was traveling through Guyana, searching for the meaning of life, and trying to make the world a better place.
On my 19th birthday, I was walking down a lush jungle path, thinking about the traditional Guyanese birthday celebration the community was hosting for me when a tarantula jumped on my shoulder.
Out of fear, I knocked the spider off my shoulder, killing the delicate creature.
A tribal elder came to me and showed me how my fear had destroyed life.
Fear is destructive.
On that day, I decided to intentionally make my birthday about love instead of fear.
Back to Guyana …
In the remote village we lived in, we travelled by dug out canoe {verrrrry precarious} and gathered our drinking water from a hole in the ground.
This community generously hosted myself and a group of do-gooding youth, but our presence depleted their water – that hole in the ground would not fill up as quickly as we drank its supply.
I lived on 1/4 of a bucket of dirty water for three months.
My cells remember what I drank.
My heart aches for those who can’t escape what I left behind.
My soul demands change.
The lessons I learned in Guyana about love and fear ripple through my life and inform how I live, what I’m inspired to write about and my devotion to helping the world choose love over fear.
Today is the day of my birth and the birth of my book.
My birthday wish is to live in a world where life is celebrated, community is supported, and love is spread far and wide.
Do you want this to? I have just the thing for you.
Make a donation to charity: water.
Give $1.
Give $1000.
Or something in between.
Find the number that feels good to your heart.
We’re working on the honor system.
I trust you.
Download a PDF copy of my book.
Live a life you love, add love to the world
Life deserves to be celebrated. And, everyone deserves to live a Great Life.
Deep thanks for helping me celebrate my life and for making life easier for an entire community across the world.
Keeping adding love.