Self-examination does not necessarily lead to life balance or acceptance from others — it leads to greater freedom and authenticity.
Without self-examination …
… we seek comfort over greatness
… safety over risk
… reassurance over authenticity
… the predictable over the unknown
… the well worn path over forging our own
Self-examination is a process of reframing and refining how we see ourselves and the world. It’s a deep dive into our beliefs, motives, relationships, triggers, wounds, purpose, feelings, thoughts and action.
Often we uncover something has to change so we can feel a greater sense of alignment between the life we are living and the life our soul wants to be living.
You may be called to change a relationship, a career or a habit.
You may need to stop doing something or start doing something.
You may be called find a mantra, explore a good book, or commune with nature.
You may start a non-profit, go on an adventure, or start a blog.
When we choose self-examination, we are choosing to be in a conscious relationship with our true self.
Once you uncover the direction your true self wants to move in there is a process of allowing what is no longer authentic to end and creating space for what is currently authentic to begin {yes, authenticity is a moving target}.
As we migrate closer to the soul, we must trust that we will survive the time between the old world dying and the new world being born.
It can be a precarious transition — it’s often accompanied by loneliness, confusion and grief.
It is tempting to revive the old world, but if we are patient and continue to connect to the world we want to belong to, it will emerge.
One small step towards the life you want to be living is what will move you from where you are to where you want to be.
One small step.
It is the only way to find your way home.