The more I study the psychology of love and fear, the more clearly I see that not loving enough and feeling unloved are at the foundation of all the problems in our world.
Love is essential to life.
Research from the field of evolutionary psychology tells us that love is necessary for cell growth — love influences our DNA, develops our nervous systems, and helps to build our brains.
Research from the field of social psychology tells us that love or lack of love contributes to whether we live in peace or whether we go to war.
Research from the field of health psychology tells us that love or lack of love influences illness, disease, and whether we live or die.
Love is essential to life.
When you live from love, you grow in the direction of more love. When you live from fear, you stop growing in the direction of love, and your mind, body, and spirit suffer.
Paulo Coelho, the author of one of my favourite books, said in love lies the seed of our growth. I’m inclined to agree.
When we make space for love, we make space for miracles.
In the company of love and fear dissolves.
How can you make space in your heart, and life, for more love?
The truth is, life works better when you remember to love.