Live by the guidance of your true self.
When your life reflects the essence of who you are, you move in the direction of living a life you love.
You are multidimensional.
You are not just the bright and beautiful parts; you are also the dark and difficult parts. Knowing and loving all your bits creates space for living an authentic and aligned life.
Love matters.
Design your life on a foundation of love. Choose love over fear, repeatedly. Life is too short not to love freely, fully and deeply. Our world needs your love.
Nourish your soul.
Listen to the desires, longings, and cravings of your soul. Fill your life with things, people, and opportunities that nourish your soul.
Authenticity is attractive.
Knowing your true self and expressing it in the world will attract people and opportunities to support you in designing a life you love.
You have what you need within you.
Life design is not dependent on time, money, energy, age, approval, accolades, education, or anything else outside of yourself. You have everything you need to begin the life design process today.
Do your inner work.
Doing your inner work allows your outer world to evolve. Your mental maps will define and design the terrain of your life. Make sure they are accurate.
Respect your individuality.
People are like snowflakes – beautiful because of the diversity in the details. Celebrate your unique self and the distinctive life you will live.
Community is essential.
Find where you belong. Your tribe is waiting for you. You are not alone.
Do what deeply matters.
Find the people and places that help you expand. Reflect frequently on this question: what matters deeply to me? Build your life around your core values.
You have permission to change your mind.
Who you are now is different from who you were then. What works for you today may not work for you tomorrow. You are free to change.
Live by your sacred yes and honoring no.
Be generous, but don’t sacrifice yourself. Know your boundaries and honor them. Know your limits and transcend them. Serve others, support others, but don’t live for others.
Make the call. In each moment you have a choice.
Will you choose the life you love, or something else? Be conscious, courageous, and intentional. You are the designer of your life.
Let it be easy.
But, it won’t always be easy. Opt out of drama and trust yourself to navigate the difficult moments.
The time is now.
It’s never too late. No matter how long you’ve been in the relationship, career, location, or mindset, it is never too late. We all arrive on this planet with possibility, potential and a desire to live a life we love. You haven’t missed your chance. Now is the time.
Download the pretty version of the Great Life Creed.
Read it. Live it. Share it.
Photo credit: Stefan Makwana captured the creation.