Self-care is important anytime.
It’s even more important during the strange and stressful time we find ourselves in now. Take this time to give yourself the energy, attention, time, and care that you are worthy of.
To prevent us from sliding into a dark place as one day melts into another, I wanted to share a collection of self-care ideas.
- start reading that book you’ve been meaning to
- practice positive self-talk {speak to yourself as though you are the person you love the most in the whole world}
- take a course that interests you
- learn a new skill
- do something you enjoyed as a child
- play a board game
- learn a new card game
- build an indoor fort, fill it with pillows and watch a movie
- fly a kite
- blow bubbles
- finger paint
- cut up magazines make a collage of how you want to feel
- scrapbook the sweet moments you’ve collected {kids swimming lesson results, love letters from friends, cards from your mama, ticket stubs}
- make cards and send them around the world
- do a puzzle
- print out your favourite photos and make a photo album
- make your favourite breakfast and eat it in bed
- create an indoor herb garden
- baking a recipe from your past that brings you comfort
- do something nice for someone special
- do a Bob Ross painting tutorial
- write a story about your dream vacation
- write a letter
- declutter your wardrobe, get rid of things that are damaged, too big, too small, or don’t feel like you – donate what you don’t need
- unfollow people who post things that cause you stress
- remove unwanted apps from your phone
- change your sheets and spray the fresh ones with your favourite essential oil
- spring clean your home
- take a digital detox
- do a mental cleaning {go to therapy – unpack the trauma, remove the grudges, freshen up your mindset, take out the toxicity, brush off unrealistic expectation, wipe away the stress, untangle the self-destructive habits, unravel the fear spiral}
- say no to something that feels draining
- play nostalgic music from your past
- make a Pandemic Playlist
- blast your favourite music and dance hard in your room
- do at home-karaoke
- listen to a guided meditation
- journal
- go for a walk, run bike ride
- do a twenty minute yoga routine before bed
- do a twelve minute pilates class
- learn a new dance
- learn to twerk
- if you have limited mobility, explore different ways to move that are right for you
- get at least eight hours of sleep
- take a nap
- take ten deep belly breaths
- take a long hot bath infused with your favourite salts and oils
- watch all the movies on your Netflix list
- go outside {safely} and watch the clouds
- let out a sigh
- light a candle and watch it burn
- pause before saying yes to requests
- watch a documentary and have a conversation about it
- make a three-course dinner for someone you are quarantined with
- FaceTime with friends and family
- host a Netflix watch party
- sit with your favourite {safe and accessible} bit of nature
Which of these self-care ideas feel like love to you right now?
Start with love.