An unhealthy ego will build your dream life on the shaky pillars of who you should be, what you should have, and what your life should look like.
When unhealthy ego is in control of the design of your life, you can recklessly charge into goals and pursue them at all costs – even if it means loosing health, joy, presence, connection, integrity, and authenticity along the way.
One of the greatest tragedies that emerges from a unhealthy ego-driven life is the not enough phenomenon.
When you find yourself in a place of success, unhealthy ego will say you’re not successful enough.
When you find yourself in a place of being loved, unhealthy ego will say you’re not loved enough.
When you find yourself in a place of happiness, unhealthy ego will say you’re not happy enough.
When you find yourself in a place of wealth, unhealthy ego will say you’re not wealthy enough.
When you find yourself in a good relationship, unhealthy ego will say it’s not good enough.
It’s never enough.
Unhealthy ego causes us to step into the torturous world of comparison. We examine the outside world and see people who appear to be living the dream life and we assume they have more happiness, greater health, better sex, perfect relationships, and abundance is flowing into their lives from every direction.
The familiar story of I’m not enough, it’s not enough, they’re not enough continues.
Soul will ask you to surrender the stories of not enough.
Because surrender creates space for the soul.
Soul will ask you to listen to your internal compass, release the pressure, calm the frenzy, and settle the chaos.
Soul will encourage you notice the essence of your great life.
Soul will remind you, you are free to design your life on your own terms.
What are the values your great life is built on?
How do you feel when you are living your great life?
What are the metrics you choose to measure your great life by?
Soul will enhearten you to shed the labels, judgments, and expectations of unhealthy ego and step into true freedom.
The life you love is designed by the soul.
Your great life is not lived in the egoic doing, but in the soulful being.
Your ego will demand that you sacrifice and hustle, then at some undetermined point in the future you’ll become who you should be and live the life you should live.
Racing towards an unreachable horizon will not give you what you want.
Instead, stand grounded in the present and allow the essence of the life you love to wash over you like sunbeams from the sunrise.
Allow the light fill you up and inspire you without feeling the need to hold the sun in your hands.