why I didn’t listen to my therapist

Anytime my therapist told me to journal, I rebelled. I didn’t do it.  I used to tell myself, “I only want to write something if it will be useful to others.” I couldn’t see how scribbling without intention would help me create something useful for...

5 questions to ask someone you love

I was speaking to a client the other night who reflected, “for every couple that deepened into their relationship during the pandemic, eight couples disintegrated.”  I don’t have the stats to back this up, but I’ve observed something similar in my personal and...

who have you become?

Following this time of profound change, constant pivots, loss of freedom, trauma, grief, fear, and uncertainty, it’s important to reflect on who we have become. I know who I was pre-pandemic is very different than who I am now. May is Mental Health Month and one way...

how will you rise from this time?

As I emerge from my birthday season (a month of deep reflection and transformation – more on that soon), I’ve been thinking about how we will all rise from this time. What will it be like for us to emerge from pandemic life? Every crisis I have encountered in my life...

a reminder from my heart to yours

A friend of mine was sitting in a coffee shop when a stranger walked up, tapped her on the shoulder and simply said: “I read everything you write on Instagram. You’ve helped me a lot. Thank you.”  Just by being herself, my friend made a difference in a stranger’s...

39 things I learned in my 39th year

I know this may land as a surprising sentiment coming from someone who thrives on providing insight and inspiration, support and strategy around some of the most growth-focused topics imaginable, but … sometimes, you need to take some time to just ‘be’. After a...